Yes, I am one of the millions of people to find this series absolutely intriguing and entertaining. After seeing the first film, Twilight, my interest was peeked. So, I decided to read the entire series and loved it. While the first film fell a little short in the acting area, I thought the story line was nice as it laid the foundation of what was to come. The second film New Moon, however, was much better in large part due to a new director as well as the action scenes, slightly better acting, and endless showing of tan abs from the wolfpack! However, I must say, the third film, Eclipse, is by far the best so far. You get action, lots of tan sexy abs, even better acting than the second film, and it really stayed true to tbe book.
So, now the question is vampire or wolf??? Well, let's weigh the pros and cons...
1. Jacob looks like a dog and turns into a hairy beast. While Edward is always sexy and doesn't turn into a horrific hairy monster.
2. With Jacob, one would have to be careful while you could have all the unprotected fun with Edward and no worries!
3. Jacob whines all the time about how right and perfect he is while Edward is mature enough to allow for you to make up your own mind.
4. They are both attractive although in different ways.
5. Edward is rich and, well, Jacob lives in a shack off the beach.
Suffice to say I'm on team Edward!
more visual references please!